Thursday, January 19, 2012

Sweet Potato Hash with Poached Eggs


1 sweet potato, peeled, cubed
2-3 red bliss potatoes, cubed
1/2 red onion, sliced
1 jalepeno, chopped
clove garlic, minced
pinch paprika
pinch salt and pepper
1 tbsp. olive oil
handful chopped spinach/kale (optional)
1 tablespoon lemon juice


1. Toss potatoes and onions in oil, paprika, salt and pepper. Put onto a covered baking sheet and place in oven at 400 to roast for about 20 mintues (until soft).
2. Meanwhile, in saute pan, heat some olive oil and suate garlic and jalepeno until soft.
3. Add spinach/kale if using.
4. Add potatoes and saute to incorperate.
5. Start small pot with water on high heat to boil. When water is boiling add 1 tablespoon lemon juice (or red wine vinegar).
6. Crack eggs into boiling water, turn heat down to low. Whites of eggs will congeal up. Cook 2-3 minutes for runny centers.
7. Place eggs over top of hash.


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