Thursday, August 11, 2011

Pesto Sauce - Big Ter's Famous Recipe

Big Ter's pesto is always a hit due to its bright green color, cheesy-garlic flavor and lack of oiliness that plagues store bought varieties. Like any other housewife recipe, there leaves room for interpretation (IE she says to me "well if I don't like the taste I will add more garlic" or "I use more then 1/2 a cup of pine nuts but never fill it to 2/3 full"). Never fear though, I have made it off of her directions and it comes out just fine! Try to get the basil from a farmers' market, you will get more for your money and it will be fresher and more flavorful!

Enjoy on pasta or spread on sandwiches!

You will need a food processor with at least a 4 cup bowl.

3 cups packed, washed, basil leaves
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese (she actually just uses the Kraft)
1/2 - 2/3 cup pine nuts
7-8 grinds of black pepper
pinch of salt (no more then 1/8 teaspoon)
4 cloves of garlic
1 cup of olive oil (we don't use the extra virgin for this recipe)

1. Add all ingredients into the food processor except the oil.
2. Turn on food processor, and as it is grinding, stream in all the oil.
3. Allow processor to run until pesto is completely pureed (you will actually hear the processor change gears, when this happens, pesto is done!)
4. Store in pint or half-pint containers, with some olive oil drizzled on top. You can freeze the extra containers of pesto to use later, as this recipe will yield more then 1 pint sized container.


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