Monday, November 25, 2013

Monk Fruit - the latest sweetener on the shelf

The latest sweetener reaching super market shelves is a native of Asia.

The Monk fruit contains a natural compound that is approximately 175 times sweeter then sugar called mogroside. This compound contains no calories and when extracted it looks similar to granulated sugar.

Monk fruit sweeteners have already made their way to store shelves but have not been widely picked up yet by chains like stevia has been.  You are guaranteed to see it more now that McNeil Labs (the makers of Splenda) have begun production of their version of monk fruit, called nectresse, which is being marketed as a competitor to Splenda (great timing in light of the allegations that Splenda causes leukemia aye?). If you are the person looking into the sugar caddy on a restaurant table and wondering what is in the ORANGE packet, that's the monk fruit sweetener - give it a try :)

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